Dan Stallsworth & Jessica Williams featured in Art For All Exhibition


Artists Dan Stallsworth and Jessica Williams will both be featured in the cliffs are poet(z) exhibition. This exhibition is part of the Stephanie Evelo Program for Art Inclusion at the Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota.

Here is what Dan had to say about this work and artistic practice-

“In a few short years, I have become a prolific artist, creating a large body of work made up of painted abstract colorscapes. My work is inspired by my Christian faith and memories of my late wife Sally, the seasons, and my emotions at the time I am painting.

There is a unique way I apply paint to the canvas, using an adapted headband with a dowel to hold the brush. I have developed a technique of applying color combinations and layering them in an intuitive process as the painting develops. I enjoy exploring various composition ideas and playing with how colors react to each other on the canvas. Creating work nearly every day, I practice out of Fresh Eye Arts - Eagan, an MSS studio. More than anything I have a desire for people to love my art and understand exactly what it takes for me to create these pieces.”

The show runs from July 15 to August 28 at the Northrup King Building (1500 Jackson St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413). The gallery is open Thursdays 3:00-7:00 & Saturdays 12:00-4:00. The reception is August 5 from 4-8pm, with a program at 6pm.

You can learn more here- https://art.ici.umn.edu

Lauren Hughes